10 degrees in 365 days

Each year being in the Jaycees brings something exciting to do and well 2010 is no different. This year in addition to serving on my state’s board and the US Jaycees board I’ve decided to create my own personal challenge for myself. That is to be come a tenth degree Jaycee in the course of the year. The degree program is designed to build great leaders. It starts off at with the basics getting a person socially involved to develop the social and networking skills and then progress over time to the point of where the person is heading up committees, chapter, districts, and states. Most of the things identified in the degrees program I’ve done of the last three years but where I come from we didn’t participate in the degree program and we produce great leaders still.

So here’s how I’m to going to do it so quickly. First working with IL Jaycees ambassador Laura Lee from the Palatine Jaycees I’ll be able to complete my goal. So to start off we will do a full year audit of 2009 of everything I did. Luckily I kept every event I attended last year on my google calendar. After looking through my calendar and marking up everything in order I’m able to advance through my first three degree. Next the goal is to hit all the

For more information about the degree program visit: http://bit.ly/d17g7P